Proposals for alteration of the Constitution at the BSCA AGM July 2022

Dear BSCA members,

We have two proposals to change the BSCA constitution, to be voted for at the AGM in July:

Proposal one

The roles and time required to undertake them have increased significantly over the last decade. The committee proposes splitting the previous treasurer and membership and now website responsibilities into two:

“There will be a Committee consisting of a President, Committee Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Treasurer”

Is changed to:

“There will be a Committee consisting of a President, Committee Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Website Secretary”

Proposal two

The BSCA regularly receives high quality applications to join the BSCA but due to the current constitutional rules they have had to be declined. The President’s aim is to increase membership, increase accessibility to BSCA resources for nurses and SAS doctors and increase support for centres trying to establish or improve patch test services. Applicants report that it can be difficult to find 2 members of the BSCA to propose them.  

It is proposed an  amendment be made to the constitution.

“Prospective applicants for membership of the society must be proposed by 2 members of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy who are on the Dermatology specialist register. The application must be approved by the committee who will take into account the training and competency of the individual.”

Is changed to

“Prospective applicants for membership of the society must be proposed by 2 individuals. One a member of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy who is on the Dermatology specialist register,  and the other a BAD Ordinary Member. The application must be ratified by the President and the Membership secretary before being approved by the committee who will take into account the training and competency of the individual.”


  • Alterations of the constitution can only be at an Annual General Meeting.
  • Notice of the proposals above by Dr G A Johnston and duly seconded by Dr DA Buckley have been sent to the Committee Secretary Dr NJ Stone two months before the meeting and will be circulated with the notice of that meeting one month before the meeting.
  • For adoption a two-thirds majority of those voting will be necessary.

 Both will be voted for at the AGM in July.