BSCA Digital and Technology Lead

Nominations are sought for a new committee member to join the British Society for Cutaneous Allergy (BSCA).

The successful person can be either a UK & Ireland based substantive consultant or trainee member and will join existing committee members in:

  • Promoting a better knowledge of contact dermatitis
  • Promoting best practice for patients in the investigation and management of Contact Dermatitis

The new post holder will be appointed Digital and Technology Lead on the committee subject to constitutional approval at the BSCA AGM in July 2024.

The role will include but not be limited to :

  • Managing and developing the BSCA’s social media and online presence.
  • Managing, developing and editing the BSCA website (which is run day to day by a private provider)
  • Managing the Forum and News sections of the website
  • Compiling and uploading up-to-date patch testing series onto the website

The term of office for the post will be six years although the post holder will be eligible for reselection at the end of this time. In the event of non-attendance for three consecutive committee meetings, we will advertise the post for re-election.

Prospective applicants for membership of the society must be proposed by 2 individuals:

(1) a member of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy who is on the Dermatology specialist register, and

(2) a BAD Ordinary Member.

Nominations should be sent, to the Committee Secretary, by the 31st March 2024 and not less than two months before the Annual General Meeting in July 2024.

These nominations will be circulated with a notice of that Meeting.