
New BSCA publication: Sensitisation to acrylate co-polymers

27 November 2024

Findings from BSCA audit (September 2021-2022) assessing sensitisation to three acrylate co-polymers (ACPs) glyceryl acrylate/acrylic acid co-polymer, sodium polyacrylate, and acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate cross-polymer (Carbopol®) in 1302 patients has now been published. Results show low rates of allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis to the ACPs at the concentrations tested.

Find the full text here:


BSCA trainee representative vacancy

8 November 2024

The BSCA trainee rep position is now available and open to applicants. This post will be for 2 years representing UK and Ireland dermatology trainees, supporting the BSCA committee work.

Requirements include regular attendance at BSCA committee meetings (4 times yearly, virtual or in-person), collaboration with the PILs subgroup and digital rep.

Applications should include support from a nominated BSCA consultant member. Please submit a short application of up to 150 words by 31st December 2024 to the BSCA secretary

Share your voice in development of a National Allergy Strategy

30 October 2024

In October 2021, the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Allergy published the “Meeting the Challenges of the National Allergy Crisis” report which included a recommendation for a national plan for allergy. The National Allergy Strategy Group is now taking steps forward to produce a UK National Allergy Strategy 2025-2035, outlining the key objectives and priority projects needed to improve health outcomes and other unmet needs of the allergic community across the UK that will inform future advocacy and service development discussions.

Share Your Voice Survey 

It is essential that all stakeholders across the UK allergic community have an opportunity to get involved in sharing their voice in the development of the strategy. The National Allergy Strategy Group is sharing a consultation survey with all stakeholders to ensure the strategy is inclusive and relevant to the daily lives of all who live with allergy in the UK, as well as being based on expert evidence. To share your views on what should be included in the UK National Allergy Strategy, complete the Share Your Voice survey. Please note the survey will close on 15th November 2024.

Annual General Meeting of the BSCA Tuesday 2 July at Manchester Central

7 May 2024


Notice is given of the Annual General Meeting of the BSCA on the morning of Tuesday 2nd July at Manchester Central.


  • President’s update
  • Officers’ updates
  • Committee changes

The officers and members of the Committee will be re-elected at the Annual General Meeting.

A nomination has been received from Dr Livia Soriano and seconded by Dr Pippa Cousen for Dr Ying Teo as the new Digital Representative commencing after the Summer AGM 2024.

Proposals for alteration of the Constitution at the BSCA AGM June 2023.

Alterations of the constitution can only occur at an Annual General Meeting.

Notice of the proposals below by Dr G A Johnston and duly seconded by Dr P Cousen have been sent to the Committee Secretary Dr P Cousen two months before the meeting and are now circulated with the notice of that meeting one month before the meeting.

For adoption, a two-thirds majority of those voting will be necessary.

Proposal one:

“There will be a committee consisting of a President, Committee Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Website Secretary, a New Consultant Representative, a Specialty and Associate Specialist Representative, a Post Graduate Doctor Representative and a Research and Audit representative”

Is changed to:

“There will be a committee consisting of a President, Committee Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Website Secretary, a New Consultant Representative, a Specialty and Associate Specialist Representative, a Research and Audit representative, a Trainee representative and a Digital Representative”

Current Committee

President: Graham Johnston
Secretary: Pippa Cousen
Website & Membership Secretary: Catherine Holden
Treasurer: Sarah Wakelin
Meetings Secretary: Donna Thompson
BSCA representative on the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) committee: Dierdre Buckley
New Consultant Representative: Siobhan MacCarthy
Specialty and Associate Specialist Representative: Catherine Holden
Research and Audit representative: Livia Soriano
Trainee Representative: TBA

Regional representation

London and South East: David Orton, Sarah Wakelin
East Midlands and East: Graham Johnston
North East, Yorkshire and Humber: Philippa Cousen, Mark Wilkinson
North West: Jason Williams
West Midlands: Donna Thompson
South West and South Central: Aparna Sinha, Deirdre Buckley
Wales:  Natalie Stone, Mabs Chowdhury
Ireland: Johnny Bourke
Scotland: Chandra Bertram, Sharizan Abdul-Gaffar

BSCA Digital and Technology Lead

25 January 2024

Nominations are sought for a new committee member to join the British Society for Cutaneous Allergy (BSCA).

The successful person can be either a UK & Ireland based substantive consultant or trainee member and will join existing committee members in:

  • Promoting a better knowledge of contact dermatitis
  • Promoting best practice for patients in the investigation and management of Contact Dermatitis

The new post holder will be appointed Digital and Technology Lead on the committee subject to constitutional approval at the BSCA AGM in July 2024.

The role will include but not be limited to :

  • Managing and developing the BSCA’s social media and online presence.
  • Managing, developing and editing the BSCA website (which is run day to day by a private provider)
  • Managing the Forum and News sections of the website
  • Compiling and uploading up-to-date patch testing series onto the website

The term of office for the post will be six years although the post holder will be eligible for reselection at the end of this time. In the event of non-attendance for three consecutive committee meetings, we will advertise the post for re-election.

Prospective applicants for membership of the society must be proposed by 2 individuals:

(1) a member of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy who is on the Dermatology specialist register, and

(2) a BAD Ordinary Member.

Nominations should be sent, to the Committee Secretary, by the 31st March 2024 and not less than two months before the Annual General Meeting in July 2024.

These nominations will be circulated with a notice of that Meeting.

16th Cardiff Cutaneous Allergy Annual Update Hybrid Meeting Wednesday 20th March 2024

18 January 2024

Prof Mabs Chowdhury and colleagues invite you to this hybrid meeting. The programme and registration details are attached under the meetings section. Contact details for Prof Chowdhury are given if you have any cases you would like to put forward for consideration. There is no course fee.

Log-in details are available to those working in Wales or England unable to attend in person.

Please contact for registration, by 12th March 2024.

16 November 2023

It was with great sadness that the British Society for Cutaneous Allergy heard that our colleague, friend and committee member Dr John McFadden died on 21 October 2023 after a long illness.

He was appointed a senior registrar in Contact Dermatitis  and then appointed consultant with academic sessions at St John’s Institute of Dermatology making up the legendary triumvirate with Dr Ian White and Dr Richard Rycroft in the “Contact Clinic”. 

Dr White recalls that John had a brilliant mind and always had a different perspective on scientific matters, which allowed him to make original and often pivotal hypotheses. He had a unique way of looking at immunological issues, which was inspiring.

His contribution to the patch testing community was huge and with his love of travel led to international collaborations, studies, lectures and highly regarded textbooks

He spent almost the last 6 months of his life as an inpatient in St. Thomas’ and then Guy’s but remained positive, planning for meetings in 2024 and delegating projects to registrars and clinical fellows. His intellect was countered by an irreverent sense of humour and kindness. He could challenge and inspire all he worked with.

Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends and nursing and medical colleagues who were  able to celebrate his life at Mortlake Crematorium, Richmond on 13th November.

Graham Johnston

President of the BSCA

Congress of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) 4th to 7th September 2024, Dresden

11 November 2023

We are excited to announce that the registration for the Congress of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) 2024  from the 4th until the 7th September  in Dresden is now open. The congress will take place at the Conference Centre  DGUV Congress.

The  scientific program  covers a broad range of  topics in the field, including the latest advances in basic and translational research, updates on diagnostic and prevention of contact dermatitis, allergic and inflammatory skin  diseases, current and emerging therapies, and presentations on the latest clinical studies and their implications for patient care.

The ESCD congress will provide a platform for delegates and industry to network with leading experts in the field, to participate in different session formats, such as plenaries, focus sessions, educational sessions and poster presentations, to deepen the understanding of the latest research and practices in the field.

You can now submit an abstract for the conference for both oral and poster presentations. Call for abstracts will close on the 31st of March 2024.

Please see the website for details

BSCA Update Meeting 29th- 30th September 2023: Registration Open on the BAD websie

18 July 2023

On behalf of the British Society for Cutaneous Allergy (BSCA), we would like to welcome you to the Biennial Contact Dermatitis Update Meeting 2023.

We are pleased to be back to the in-person meeting format, and trust you will find the programme interesting and informative, and the time spent with colleagues at Crewe Hall Hotel both educational and enjoyable.

This year we have been fortunate to secure sponsorship from several pharmaceutical companies and we would like to encourage you to visit the exhibition stands.

The registration desk will be manned throughout the meeting, so please do not hesitate to stop by if there is anything we can do for you.

This meeting is a biennial update attracting 9 CPD points. Full registration for this 2-day programme includes accommodation and dinner on Friday 29th September 2023. For more information, please visit the event website via the BAD  events page, and by clicking on “Register for event”.


BAD news release: consumer warning on “hypoallergenic” products

27 June 2023

This study was released at the British Association of Dermatology Annual Meeting today, presented at the BSCA special interests group meeting.

Quoting from Prof Mabs Chowdhury, BAD president in this article:

”Its important that consumers are aware that is not not unusual for products labelled as hypoallergenic to contain common allergens”.

The study found more that 30% of personal care products, of those reviewed, marketed as “hypoallergenic” contained one or more potential allergen from the BSCA standard series, or ingredients that may cross react with them.