The Society will be called the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy and be affiliated to the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD, registered charity no. 258474).
The purpose of the Society is to promote interest, stimulate research and disseminate all aspects of Contact and Environmental Dermatitis as well as promote best practice for patients in the investigation and management of Contact Dermatitis.
There will be a committee consisting of a President, Committee Secretary, Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Website Secretary, a New Consultant Representative, a Specialty and Associate Specialist Representative, a Post Graduate Doctor Representative, a Research and Audit representative, a Trainee representative and a Digital Representative. A maximum of two representatives will be elected from each of the following Strategic Health Authority Groupings: South West & South Central; London & South-East coast; East Midlands & East of England; North West & West Midlands; North East & Yorkshire and Humber; Ireland; Scotland & Wales in addition to the executive. The term of office for the officers will be three years and for regional representatives six years, although they remain eligible for reselection at the end of this time. In the event of non-attendance for three consecutive committee meetings, we will advertise a post for re-election.
The officers and members of the Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may be made by the Committee or by any two members and should be sent, together with the written consent of the Nominee, to the Committee Secretary not less than two months before the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations will be circulated with a notice of that Meeting. If other nominations are not received for the filling of vacancies, the Committee’s nominees will be deemed elected.
The Committee will prepare the Agenda of the Society and between meetings will act on behalf of the Society. It will report any such actions to the next meeting of the Society.
Any vacancy occurring on the Committee, other than by retirement, may be filled by a member to be co-opted by the Committee.
The Committee may co-opt other members as it sees fit.
Membership will be available to anyone interested in Contact Dermatitis upon application to and approved by, the Committee.
Prospective applicants for membership of the society must be proposed by 2 individuals: (1) a member of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy who is on the Dermatology specialist register, and (2) a BAD Ordinary Member. The application must be ratified by the President and the Membership secretary before being approved by the committee, who will take into account the training and competency of the individual.
Members will pay an annual subscription, due on 1 January, the amount of such subscription being determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Payment of such subscriptions will be administered by the Treasurer, acting on instructions given to the Executive Committee by The Society at its Annual General Meeting for the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
The accounts of the Society will be audited annually and a report made by the Treasurer to the Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at a place and time decided by the Committee. The Committee Secretary should circulate the agenda to all members at least one month before the meeting.
A scientific meeting relating to the objects of the Society will be arranged at least once a year by the Executive Committee. One such meeting will be held in association with the Annual General Meeting. Contributions to scientific meetings will be regarded as private and confidential unless permission for publication is specifically given.
Members wishing to present communications to the scientific meeting should submit suitable abstracts to the Committee by a date determined by the Committee.
Members wishing to invite visitors to scientific meetings must notify the Committee Secretary.
Alterations of Constitution
Alterations of the constitution will be made only at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of any such proposal, duly seconded, must be sent to the Committee Secretary not less than two months before the meeting and will be circulated with the notice of that meeting. For adoption, a two-thirds majority of those voting is necessary.